Publication in Materials

Publication in Materials

Our paper probing plasma-induced defects in mixed SiO2/TiO2 metal oxides was recently published in Materials.  Our results showcase the ability to tune Ti-based defect structure using plasma, which ultimately influence their photocatalytic properties.  Thanks to the...
Publication in Soft Matter

Publication in Soft Matter

In collaboration with Prof Gary Wnek’s group at Case Western Reserve University, I’m happy to report our recent paper on cation-crosslinked hydrogels has been published in Soft Matter.  Spearheaded by the fabulous Dr Anne Walker, the reported hydrogels can undergo...
Publication in Advanced Energy Materials

Publication in Advanced Energy Materials

Our recent efforts in PartCat, led by A/Prof Dawei Wang, on using defective nanoscale WO3 for LIBs has just been published in Advanced Energy Materials!  By filling oxygen defects with N, the capacity to store Li notably increases. Very cool! Using EXAFS, we were able...